
We are glad to see Boston Celtics now ranks second in NBA Eastern Conference this season. It means Boston Celtics is highly possible to enter the playoff this year. For those fans who care about Boston Celtics performance in playoff. We selected all match data of opponents ranked in the top eight of eastern conference.

Team Performance

In team performance analysis, we have chose six most important data attributes including points, rebounds, assists, turnovers, blocks and steals. There are seven other teams which are competitive opponent to Boston celtics. We compare their performance by taking advantages of bar chart which can transform from a multiple one to a stack one. Through this, you can easily identify over performance as well as separate performance in six aspects of celtics and its opponent and figure out their advantages and drawbacks.


Position Performance

This is our position performance part. Through drop down list, you can find the team you are interested in and find their performance when compete with celtics. The blue area symbolize the celtics while the orange one symbolize the other team according to your choice. You can explore each position’s performance of different teams which has been visualized through radar chart. Not only can you compare the two teams’ performance of one positions but also one team’s performance in five position. There are five radar chart. Each of them includes six attribute. You can easily identify the advantage and drawback of each team.

* For a Better Visulization View, We have divided points by 5. Please consider this factor when you want to compare the points value in real.

Point Guard
Shooting Guard
Small Forward
Power Forward

Individual Performance

In analysing individual performance part. If you have interest to dig more,now you can see more detail about individual player data in the line chart below. In this part, we import data attribute like 3 points goals, 2 point goals and field goals. You can add search condition by using the mouse to brush the parallel y axis to filter the players you want to see.

Data Collection and Processing

We choose data from Basketball Realgm. Firstly, we choose 7 opponents which are most likely to enter playoff. And we figure out celtics has played 17 matches with these opponents. Thus we calculate the average data based on these matches and gain the overall performance of each team in order to display general performance when compared with other teams.